Author Aaron Ryan

Speaker | Panelist | Bestselling Award-Winning Author of Forecast, Dissonance, and The End

Feel Like Celebrating?

Hello dear family, friends, and readers! Wanna celebrate?

Firstly, This Saturday, I’m holding the only book release party I’ll be doing for The End series. I’d love to see you there if you’re in the Seattle-area! It’s this Saturday, March 22nd from 2-6pm at The Rock restaurant in Federal Way. FREE PIZZA! FREE DRINKS! FREE DESSERT! Hope to see you there. PLEASE NOTE! You must RSVP to attend, and you can do that at this link. Come enjoy the party!

Secondly, I’ve got TWO coupons for 50% off a full Dissonance hexalogy set! Enjoy all 6 bestselling & award-winning alien invasion paperbacks -OR- a paperback or hardcover of The End: Alpha at my bookstore by using coupon code FIFTYOFFTODAY. Please note that there are only TWO coupons of this discount and they are only available through tomorrow. Enjoy! Visit the store to purchase.

    And, Thirdly, if you come equipped with two X-Chromosomes and you live in the Puget Sound area, come visit my author signing in tandem with fellow author Stacy Moe-Kean this Wednesday 3/19 at the Women’s Club of Olympia from 7-9pm at 1002 Washington Street SE, Olympia, WA 98501.

    Free Books, A Party, and Pre-Orders, oh my!

    It’s a wonderful day here in the writing world – thank you to all of you who have downloaded or purchased any of my book(s) and read them. I’m so very grateful! A quick update:

    1. If you’re local to the Seattle area and are a reader or a fellow author, you’re invited to my party this Saturday! Don’t forget to RSVP for the Hexalogy Release party this Saturday from 12-6pm in Federal Way. Drop in anytime, come and go as you please for free pizza, dessert, salad, drinks, and prizes. There will be a raffle, book giveaways, an appearance by my Dissonance Volume I: Reality screenwriter, honorees who have helped make the Dissonance hexalogy a reality, trivia, pictures, and more! I can’t wait. Hope to see you there but I do need RSVPs to give a count to the restaurant. Thanks!
    2. I’ve finished writing Dissonance Volume IV: Relentless – pre-ordering has begun! You can pre-order on Amazon here or direct from me here.
    3. I have a limited quantity of FREE copies in paperback and hardcover of Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation (my favorite in the series!) and Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning. These are the ‘previous cover’ editions. I recently had my covers redesigned for consistency. Let me know in the comments below if you’d like one mailed to you free of charge.
    4. Also, join me in the exclusive, private Author Aaron Ryan Group on Facebook!

    Thank you to ALL of you for making writing so special…I’m so grateful! I’d love to hear your comments below. Thanks my friends! Have a wonderful Tuesday. Cheers!