Author Aaron Ryan

Speaker | Panelist | Bestselling Award-Winning Author of Forecast, Dissonance, and The End

Free copy of Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning, anyone?

Hello dear friends, family and readers – thank you for following my blog and for reading my works. I’m so very grateful!

In case you haven’t heard, I redid the covers of my books, and so if you have purchased a copy of Dissonance Volume I: Reality and would like a copy of Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning signed paperback or hardcover for FREE, all you need to do is to email your receipt to [email protected], and send me your mailing address with zip code, and I’ll get one out to you! Supplies are limited, so do let me know ASAP if you want one. Thank you for reading! I hope you thoroughly enjoyed Reality, and I know you’re going to love Reckoning!

Also, in case you haven’t heard, something new just dropped…check it out! They are available now at my Book Store – visit it at this link! They make EXCELLENT Christmas presents, hint hint hint! PS, sorry the image is backward. I blame technology. Anyway, LOOK DOWN. 🙂

Have a great day reading, writing, and doing, and thank you again!

New Website, Editor, and…Trilogy Complete!

Hello everyone! It gives me great pride to announce my new author website, right here! Check it out.

I just published my thirteenth book, a book of poetry. It’s called Reflections. Check it out here!

And my twelfth book is right around the corner, and that’s Dissonance Volume III: Renegade! The trilogy is complete! I’m just awaiting some feedback from a few Senior Airmen and a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Air Force to verify some details about some of my narratives, but it’s going to be published on my 51st birthday, and I’m SO grateful. I had a lot of massive help from my wife, which brings me to my next point:

My beautiful wife Janine is now an editor! Check out her website, Denouement Editing! I’m so proud of her and excited for her! She’s helped me edit the last few books, and without them they’d be a mess. Thank you honey bun! Check out her Facebook page as well please. Thanks for supporting her!

The prequel, Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation, is coming along really, really well. I’m now at 116 pages, and they’ve come to the point of the alien invasion, so here’s where it gets scary.

Please leave me a comment below – I’d love to hear from you! Have you purchased any of the books yet? What did you think of them? I’d love your thoughts. Also, if you would be kind enough to visit my author page on Amazon, select the book you bought/obtained, and please leave me a review, I would be immeasurably grateful. Those go a long way in developing traction. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I’ve never been happier in my creative pursuits – thank you for allowing me to share them with you! This summer is LOADED with trade shows – check out the News page and you’ll see – and I’m tremendously excited.

Thanks so much for following, and for your support, I would be nothing without it! Leave a comment below; I’d love to hear from you.



Screenplays, Trilogies & Prequels, oh my!

Well, I’m done! Just awaiting feedback from a few people including my beautiful wife on Dissonance Volume III: Renegade, and then it will publish on my 51st birthday, May 18th. (Fitting, isn’t it? Area 51 is full of aliens….my book is about aliens. Yeah. That.)

I mean it when I say that Dissonance Volume III: Renegade is POWERFUL. It’s going to blow you away!

BUT! I didn’t feel “released” from the trilogy yet, and I love where this story has gone, so I’ve begun work on a prequel. It is called….drum roll please… “Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation.” It’s going to cover when the gorgons actually arrived, and the mayhem that ensued. And, for your viewing pleasure, check out the cover!

ALSO! GREAT NEWS, if you haven’t heard already….I’m partnering with Alan Roth of Act Two Media to develop a screenplay of Dissonance Volume I: Reality for pitching to producers of streaming services like Netflix, Paramount+, Apple TV, Prime Video, etc.. I’m THRILLED with this development and ask for your prayers that it will go well and that we’ll get some interested parties. SUPER stoked about this.

Thank you for your support! Let me know what you think of the trilogy so far! How do you like the cover? What do you think about the news of the screenplay being created? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks again!