Author Aaron Ryan

Award-Winning Bestselling Author of the "Dissonance" Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Saga

Around the Puget Sound? RSVP for a great celebration with free pizza & prizes!

In or around the Puget Sound? RSVP here for a great party with free pizza, dessert, drinks, and prizes!

– From Janine:

MARK YOUR CALENDARS and come celebrate something truly wonderful!!

As seen in his Author Aaron Ryan Facebook group (join here): since only November 2023, Ryan has penned FIVE novels, and is working on the sixth!  And the best news?  One of them is right now being made into a screenplay for pitching to major streaming networks! With voiceovers slowing down, this is Ryan’s next career move, and it’s a big one. He and I would like to celebrate this monumental achievement with you, dear friends and family….with free pizza, salad, and drinks!

Please come celebrate! Our whole family will be there. Bring your books to have them signed, or grab one on the spot. Also, you could win a free book, or a free BOX SET of books! Be sure to bring your questions for Ryan.  And prepare to honor some special guests with him, who have been immeasurably formative in him being able to tell his stories.

Thank you again for your support. This means a lot to both of us. He has poured his heart and soul into this incredible 6-novel series that has become so much more than a tale about aliens. It’s about justice vs. revenge, finding and losing, cynicism and trust, heartache and victory, living and dying, and salvation in Jesus. It’s a grand saga of epic proportions, and Ryan is pinning a lot of his hopes to its success.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in October!  Kids are welcome. Come ANYTIME between Noon and 6pm on October 26th for free pizza, salad, dessert and drinks.  See you there!

RSVP to the party here, and join Aaron’s Facebook group here.

Free copy of Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning, anyone?

Hello dear friends, family and readers – thank you for following my blog and for reading my works. I’m so very grateful!

In case you haven’t heard, I redid the covers of my books, and so if you have purchased a copy of Dissonance Volume I: Reality and would like a copy of Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning signed paperback or hardcover for FREE, all you need to do is to email your receipt to [email protected], and send me your mailing address with zip code, and I’ll get one out to you! Supplies are limited, so do let me know ASAP if you want one. Thank you for reading! I hope you thoroughly enjoyed Reality, and I know you’re going to love Reckoning!

Also, in case you haven’t heard, something new just dropped…check it out! They are available now at my Book Store – visit it at this link! They make EXCELLENT Christmas presents, hint hint hint! PS, sorry the image is backward. I blame technology. Anyway, LOOK DOWN. 🙂

Have a great day reading, writing, and doing, and thank you again!

A MASSIVE few days and some MASSIVE news!

Hey everyone!

Just finished up an incredible 3-day festival called “Olympia Harbor Days” this past weekend and sold 100 books on the nose! SO exciting! Thank you to all of my new subscribers and readers for your incredible support with the “Dissonance” post-apocalyptic alien invasion saga. I mean it when I say that I’m immeasurably grateful…THANK YOU once again. I hope you truly enjoy them!

On that note, look for Dissonance Volume Up: Rising – the second prequel is coming soon!

Also, many of you know I’m heading out to Nashville and Clarksville TN as well as Blue Spring KY on Labor Day for a three day trip to travel to the places that take place in my “Dissonance” novels. I’m tremendously excited to walk where my characters walked, and to hand out flyers to local residents and citizens of the cities in question, to promote the stories.

If you would like to follow along, I’m going to be vlogging throughout the whole trip. Check it out and subscribe to my YouTube channel at:

Thanks for following me on this trek – I’m stoked to be able to research the areas that take place in my books, to literally set foot there, and to be able to share it with you! I’d love to read your comments and reply and engage with you.

ALSO: be sure and join the Author Aaron Ryan Group so you can follow along. I’ll be posting it there as well. Cheers, and thank you all again so much!

Want a FREE copy of “Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning”?

Hi everyone! I recently had my covers redesigned. As such, I want to maintain consistency. Here’s what they look like now:

But if you only have “Dissonance Volume I: Reality” and your copy looks like this:

then I want to give you a free copy of “Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning” that looks like this!

I for some reason have a LOT of leftover Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning’s. So let me know in the comments! I will send you a FREE copy of DV2 in the mail, or give it to you when I see you again. Let me know! When people buy a complete series, I would like them to all have a consistent look.

And guess what – a BOX SET is coming! I’m excited. it should look something like this:

Thanks everyone! Let me know in the comments if you want Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning in paperback or hardcover, and we’ll talk about how to get it to you. Or you can simply hop on over to my store and buy a copy of everything.

Thank you so much and comment below!

Barnes & Noble, here I come!

There are not one but THREE updates in this August Blog (BLAUGUST? Anyway…) YOU READY? GET READY!

ONE: Hi everyone! Thanks for supporting me, and for all of you whom I’ve met recently at trade shows including LoveOly, Eatonville Lions Festival, The Kent Nerd Party, and so many more! I had a fantastic festival this past weekend in Eatonville and sold FIFTY books. Incredible! I’m very grateful. Thank you to all of you who purchased one. I’m immeasurably grateful.

Next up, this little-known retailer:

That’s right, and I’m ECSTATIC! B&N does carry my books already, but I got a slot in at the local outlet in Olympia this Saturday from 12-4pm at 1530 Black Lake Blvd SW, Olympia, WA 98502. If you’re in the neighborhood, I hope to see you there! Feel to bring your books and I’ll sign them and take pictures with you! Or, if you have done the unthinkable and have NOT purchased one of my books…

…then feel free to come and grab one THIS Saturday, August 10th from 12-4pm at Barnes & Noble.

TWO: Thank you – I mean it – THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to all of you who have supported me with a purchase of one or all of my books. I’m SO grateful for how much Dissonance has taken off! The screenplay is DONE! It’s now being pitched to major streaming networks like HBO Max, Netflix, Paramount, Prime Video, Apple TV+, and I can’t wait! I promise to keep you in the loop, but for now, just know that my excitement is reaching a fever pitch!


I’m writing another installment in the Dissonance series, entitled “Dissonance Volume Up: Rising.” Get it? GET IT?!?! It’s another prequel that follows Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation and leads right into Dissonance Volume I: Reality.


You can get your copies of Dissonance signed by me with a pen and a bookmark at Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!

That’s it! Thank you so much for reading! ***Please comment below*** and let me know if you can make it, and what you’re enjoying (or not!) about my books! I can take it! Really! *grips desk and grabs Kleenex*



Book Reviews!

Hi everyone, I hope you’re having a fantastic week! I’m looking forward to the Kent Farmers Market this weekend and holding another booth there with my books!

For those of you who have read any of my books in ANY format (Audible / Kindle / Paperback / Hardcover)? If so, can you please take a moment to go to these links and leave reviews for the ones that you’ve read / reviewed / listened to? I can’t stress enough how much reviews help. THANK YOU SO MUCH for doing this! One of the biggest things that stop buyers from buying books is low reviews, or too many negative reviews.

Here are the links:

Dissonance Volume Zero: RevelationDissonance Volume I: Reality

Dissonance Volume II: ReckoningDissonance Volume III: Renegade

I would be SO grateful for your help! Thank you so much for this! Please leave a comment below and let me know which book has been your favorite so far. Thank you!

#reviews #BookReview #book #books #bookworm #booklover #reviewers

“Dissonance” is a great success…because of YOU

The month of June has seen SO much success.

I’ve already had $1281.79 in sales online and off. So far this year, 1880 units have been sold. Soooo cool! Very thankful right now for all of my readers, including you! My “Dissonance” alien invasion book saga appears to be a hit! 🙂 I want to thank all of you for your support and readership!

I want to thank all of you who have supported me in this. I had a WONDERFUL vendor market this past weekend at the LoveOly Festival in downtown Olympia, and met so many wonderful readers. Thank you for stopping by! Next up? Kent Farmers Market! Be sure to check the News page to see where I’ll be holding a booth next.

Have you read my books? Please take a moment to leave a review for the book on Amazon and Goodreads, if you wouldn’t mind – I would be so grateful. I can’t even begin to tell you how important positive reviews are in terms of momentum and awareness. Thank you so much for considering!

Let me know in the comments below what you thought of the book you’ve read!

The screenplay is coming along really well, and I can’t wait to present news of it to you.

I just finished narrating Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation this morning and that audiobook will be released soon as well. MANY thanks to my friend Vance Pease for listening to all of them, and to Walker Armstrong, Shirley St. James, and of course my beloved bride Janine for reading them through.

Thank you again, all of you – thank you so much for sharing in this journey with me!

Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation… PUBLISHED!

It gives me more pleasure and happiness than I could possibly even begin to muster to announce the release of Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation! This novel is the prequel to my “Dissonance” alien invasion trilogy, and that makes it a QUAD-rilogy. I’m SO grateful!

And if there was any doubt, it’s currently #1 top new release in a category on Amazon, along with its neighbor, Dissonance Volume III: Renegade, taking the #2 spot! I call that a good day when they’re taking up the top two spots. Thank you Lord!

I didn’t feel released from the trilogy, so I went back and wrote a prequel, and I’m so glad I did. There is so much heart in this story. So much family. So much silliness. So much of everything that you and I experience every single day…before everything goes horribly wrong with the arrival of the gorgons.

I hope you’ll check it out and grab yourself a copy. This will be my new career. Thank you so much for your support!

You can get it direct from my Dissonance website in paperback or hardcover, on Kindle, and the audiobook is coming as well. OR – you can get the whole Kindle box set. Again, thank you all so very much for your support.

Leave me a comment below, I’d love to hear from you! And THANK YOU to all of you for your help with the cover and the log line, “We thought they were angelic messengers. We were wrong.”

Dissonance Volume III: Renegade is NUMBER ONE!

Exciting news! Dissonance Volume III: Renegade reached NUMBER ONE in two categories this week! Meaning? THESE ARE NOT JUST MONSTER OR ALIEN BOOKS! I’ve penned a quadrilogy that has turned out to be something RICH in storyline, full of heart, and utterly compelling, and I’m SO grateful for it! Let me know in the comments if you’ve read it yet!

Check out the following screenshots showing #1 in Teen & Young Adult Sci-Fi Action & Adventure eBooks and Teen & Young Adult Aliens eBooks:

So, with that, be sure to check out the Amazon Series Page or my own Shopping page and get yourself a copy of any (or all!) of my books, signed, sealed and delivered. Thank you all for your support! I’m THRILLED! Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.

Incredible News!

Happy Friday! Here’s a bullet point update for some awesome news!

  1. Dissonance Volume III: Renegade publishes on my 51st birthday – TOMORROW! Yep, 5.18.24. What would make a wonderful birthday gift for me? Buy my books please! And when you’re done, leave a positive review on Amazon. Those go a LONG way. Thanks! 🙂
  2. In other news, the prequel, Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation is DONE! I started it on 4.29.24 and finished it yesterday, 5.16.24. As with Dissonance Volume I: Reality, it took me only three weeks to write it. CRAZY! It’s deeply moving, stirring, and had me bawling at points. Not kidding. You see what this family went through when the gorgons came. I’m so happy I didn’t move on after the trilogy was done because this prequel is POWERFUL. It’s been submitted to my wonderful wife for editing!
  3. And in more news, Screenwriter Alan Roth is working hard on the screenplay for Dissonance Volume I: Reality, and I am giggling with anticipation like an 11-year-old schoolgirl. So exciting!
  4. And in yet still OTHER news, I get to host an author signing at Barnes & Noble! They’re carrying my books, so on August 10th at the Olympia branch I’ll be signing books. Check the News page: this summer is chalk-full of signings and trade show booths. Super stoked!
  5. And in even yet still more further additional OTHER news, if you’re an audiobook listener, Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning is now available on Audible!

You can buy any of the books here, or you visit the links above. THANK YOU ENDLESSLY FOR YOUR SUPPORT!


New Website, Editor, and…Trilogy Complete!

Hello everyone! It gives me great pride to announce my new author website, right here! Check it out.

I just published my thirteenth book, a book of poetry. It’s called Reflections. Check it out here!

And my twelfth book is right around the corner, and that’s Dissonance Volume III: Renegade! The trilogy is complete! I’m just awaiting some feedback from a few Senior Airmen and a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Air Force to verify some details about some of my narratives, but it’s going to be published on my 51st birthday, and I’m SO grateful. I had a lot of massive help from my wife, which brings me to my next point:

My beautiful wife Janine is now an editor! Check out her website, Denouement Editing! I’m so proud of her and excited for her! She’s helped me edit the last few books, and without them they’d be a mess. Thank you honey bun! Check out her Facebook page as well please. Thanks for supporting her!

The prequel, Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation, is coming along really, really well. I’m now at 116 pages, and they’ve come to the point of the alien invasion, so here’s where it gets scary.

Please leave me a comment below – I’d love to hear from you! Have you purchased any of the books yet? What did you think of them? I’d love your thoughts. Also, if you would be kind enough to visit my author page on Amazon, select the book you bought/obtained, and please leave me a review, I would be immeasurably grateful. Those go a long way in developing traction. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I’ve never been happier in my creative pursuits – thank you for allowing me to share them with you! This summer is LOADED with trade shows – check out the News page and you’ll see – and I’m tremendously excited.

Thanks so much for following, and for your support, I would be nothing without it! Leave a comment below; I’d love to hear from you.



Screenplays, Trilogies & Prequels, oh my!

Well, I’m done! Just awaiting feedback from a few people including my beautiful wife on Dissonance Volume III: Renegade, and then it will publish on my 51st birthday, May 18th. (Fitting, isn’t it? Area 51 is full of aliens….my book is about aliens. Yeah. That.)

I mean it when I say that Dissonance Volume III: Renegade is POWERFUL. It’s going to blow you away!

BUT! I didn’t feel “released” from the trilogy yet, and I love where this story has gone, so I’ve begun work on a prequel. It is called….drum roll please… “Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation.” It’s going to cover when the gorgons actually arrived, and the mayhem that ensued. And, for your viewing pleasure, check out the cover!

ALSO! GREAT NEWS, if you haven’t heard already….I’m partnering with Alan Roth of Act Two Media to develop a screenplay of Dissonance Volume I: Reality for pitching to producers of streaming services like Netflix, Paramount+, Apple TV, Prime Video, etc.. I’m THRILLED with this development and ask for your prayers that it will go well and that we’ll get some interested parties. SUPER stoked about this.

Thank you for your support! Let me know what you think of the trilogy so far! How do you like the cover? What do you think about the news of the screenplay being created? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks again!

Just a book about aliens?

Anything but!

With “Dissonance,” I really wanted to write a story about justice vs. revenge. I think we often confuse the two. My series takes place during a post-apocalyptic time where the earth has been ravaged by aliens that we’ve called “gorgons” due to their ability to telepathically freeze you where you stand, and consume you at their leisure. They’re truly terrifying.

But the subtle undercurrent, the referendum being made, is that even after 16 years of alien invasion, we’re still not getting along. We’re still living in dissonance. And there are those who are still confusing justice with revenge in their quest to solve the issues they see around them.

Check out Dissonance Volume I: Reality and Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning today, before Volume III drops in June 2024. Volume III is currently at 374 pages! It is truly one heckuva whopper. I can’t wait to send it out there and share it with the masses, because it’ s heavy. It’s epic. It’s awesome. Spoiler? Mankind wins back the earth. YAY!

Check out my series today – and thanks for your support!


Aaron Ryan

“Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning” is HERE!

How ’bout that cover, huh? Dissonance Volume II is PUBLISHED!!! The paperback and hardcovers will be available soon, both directly through me as well as through Amazon, but you can PRE-ORDER your copy at my new Square Store >>> HERE <<< by using coupon code THREEOFF for $3 off Volume II as well as Volume I.

The Kindle copy is available for ordering now at this link.

I mean it when I say that I am THRILLED with how Volume II turned out. Friends, family, this isn’t just a “monster book” or an “alien book.” The protagonist, Cameron Shipley, is struggling with real faith and morality issues, and it’s a journey for him, and an intense one at that! It’s been so cool to watch him go through it, and there are characters of deep substance in my novel that will blow you away. I wrote my best chapter ever in Volume II, entitled “Cardona.” It’s AMAZING.

Also, have you checked the “News” page? I’ve done several interviews already, and now I’m in Orca Books and Browser’s Bookstores in Olympia, and about to get into Half Price Books as well!

Thank you for your support! I’m so grateful, and my heart is full. This has been an intense journey, and so richly satisfying.

207 pages so far on Volume III: Renegade!


I reached number one everyone, LOOK!

I ran a special to feature my e-book for free today, and nearly 1,000 people have grabbed it so far today alone!

I’m absolutely ecstatic! But I still have a way to go in some of the other categories, so TODAY ONLY, the Kindle version is FREE! Would you consider supporting me by CLICKING HERE to getting a Kindle version, paperback or hardcover through Amazon and help me to the top of the other categories below as well?

And PLEASE leave a positive review ASAP – those help tremendously too. This will set momentum for Volume II, which will be released later this month!

Thanks to all of you for your support! I’m BEYOND ecstatic and grateful!


Volume 2 is coming, and I Need Your Vote!

Hello to my family, friends and readers…THANK YOU for sharing in this journey with me! I am deeply grateful for your support.

UPDATE ONE > Just a little note to tell you that Dissonance Volume 2: Reckoning is almost here! I finished writing it last week, and sent it off to a pro editor yesterday. It clocks in at 306 pages; a little less than Volume II. But I am tremendously excited for this one as it is far more intense and compelling than Volume I, building off of the calamities that took place there, and setting the stage for the ultimate showdown in Volume III. There is SO much weight to Volume II, I barely made it through it. It’s enormously moving and motivating, I mean it. I never knew the story would grow this big, but it’s enormous and powerful!

UPDATE THREE > Also, I need your help! I am undecided on the cover for Volume II, and need your thoughts and input. Please let me know what you think is best, given what you know of the story so far, the gorgon monster, and the title of Volume II. Please indicate in the comments below if you prefer 1, 2, or 3. Thanks so much for your help!

And UPDATE FOUR > Don’t forget about the upcoming book signings for Federal Way this Saturday March 2nd, Shoreline on Saturday March 16th, and Olympia on Saturday March 30th with FREE pizza! Be sure to RSVP at those links for which one(s) you can make.

Thanks again for reading, and for your support!

Audiobook / Book Signing Party!

Hello friends and family, and happy Wednesday!

Just a quick note to let you know that if you’re an audiobook listener, you’re in luck! Dissonance, Volume I: Reality just dropped in audiobook form! Clocking in at 8 hours and 25 minutes, it’s a thrill ride! >>> Check it out at this link! <<<

And don’t forget – if you haven’t seen the Evites yet and are in or around the Seattle area, I’m holding not one but TWO book signing release parties:

>>> Click either of those above links to RSVP. <<< See you there for FREE pizza! Bring your book (or I’ll have some you can snag, along with a free bookmark), and I’ll answer any non-spoiler questions you have!

Thanks again SO MUCH for your support – it means the world to me. I’m currently 188 pages into Volume II, and the storyline is growing more and more intense and captivating. I can’t wait to share it with you!

Have a great day.



Get your copy of “Dissonance Volume I: Reality” now!

Some great things are happening, everyone, and I couldn’t be more grateful!

  • Check out my newly-released promo video (above).
  • Check out this fantastic interview with Tellest!
  • Check out my News page to see where I’ve been featured lately!
  • Check out the Reviews page to see what people are saying about Dissonance Volume I: Reality!

And finally, get your copy now – either on Kindle, Amazon paperback or hardcover, or DIRECT through me, AUTOGRAPHED!

I greatly appreciate the support. Thank you so much for doing so!