Feel Like Celebrating?
Hello dear family, friends, and readers! Wanna celebrate?
Firstly, This Saturday, I’m holding the only book release party I’ll be doing for The End series. I’d love to see you there if you’re in the Seattle-area! It’s this Saturday, March 22nd from 2-6pm at The Rock restaurant in Federal Way. FREE PIZZA! FREE DRINKS! FREE DESSERT! Hope to see you there. PLEASE NOTE! You must RSVP to attend, and you can do that at this link. Come enjoy the party!
Secondly, I’ve got TWO coupons for 50% off a full Dissonance hexalogy set! Enjoy all 6 bestselling & award-winning alien invasion paperbacks -OR- a paperback or hardcover of The End: Alpha at my bookstore by using coupon code FIFTYOFFTODAY. Please note that there are only TWO coupons of this discount and they are only available through tomorrow. Enjoy! Visit the store to purchase.
And, Thirdly, if you come equipped with two X-Chromosomes and you live in the Puget Sound area, come visit my author signing in tandem with fellow author Stacy Moe-Kean this Wednesday 3/19 at the Women’s Club of Olympia from 7-9pm at 1002 Washington Street SE, Olympia, WA 98501.

I thank you for the lovely offer but I live in Illinois with no vehicle. So I will think of you at your party and hope you have a lot of sales on the 19th so you will have more to party about.