Free copy of Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning, anyone?
Hello dear friends, family and readers – thank you for following my blog and for reading my works. I’m so very grateful!
In case you haven’t heard, I redid the covers of my books, and so if you have purchased a copy of Dissonance Volume I: Reality and would like a copy of Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning signed paperback or hardcover for FREE, all you need to do is to email your receipt to [email protected], and send me your mailing address with zip code, and I’ll get one out to you! Supplies are limited, so do let me know ASAP if you want one. Thank you for reading! I hope you thoroughly enjoyed Reality, and I know you’re going to love Reckoning!

Also, in case you haven’t heard, something new just dropped…check it out! They are available now at my Book Store – visit it at this link! They make EXCELLENT Christmas presents, hint hint hint! PS, sorry the image is backward. I blame technology. Anyway, LOOK DOWN. 🙂
Have a great day reading, writing, and doing, and thank you again!