Author Aaron Ryan

Speaker | Panelist | Bestselling Award-Winning Author of Forecast, Dissonance, and The End

“THE END: Alpha” is almost here!

Hello friends, family and readers!

The End I: Alpha is almost here, and I’m so excited to offer it to you! This is a Christian post-apocalyptic end-times saga opener that is powerful. It is SO GOOD!!!! I can’t wait to share it.

You can find pre-ordering at my author store by clicking here.

The first book, “Alpha” is at the very bottom of the page. Paperback, typically $14, is only $10 for the pre-order price. And hardcover, usually $17 is only $14. Kindle will be available in March and the audiobook for it will be available in April.

Alpha is currently with the editor for an early March release, and the next installment, Omicron, already has 203 pages. The excitement and tension are ramping up!

If you’d like more information on the series, feel free to check it out at the official THE END website.

I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to leave a comment here and tell me your thoughts on the new series, or anything else you may have read from me, including the bestselling and award-winning Dissonance alien invasion saga, or my award-winning 9/11 historical fiction thriller, Forecast!


Celebrating TWO new Book Releases!

Hello dear readers, family and friends! Today I’m celebrating TWO new releases, and they couldn’t be further apart from each other in terms of tone, audience, and style. Nonetheless, I’m SO proud to present them to you!


The first is Forecast, a 9/11 historical fiction thriller which takes place in September of 2001. Roland Bishop is struck by lightning and is imbued with the ability to see the future. Will he act on it to prevent an unspeakable tragedy? Dare he intervene, potentially at the cost of his own life? This is a psychological thriller that will hold you riveted. I desperately wanted 9/11 to be undone, and I wrote this novel with that intent: providing a way out, a comfort, as it were, to rewrite the past. I hope you enjoy it here. You can buy it direct from me (use coupon code “TENOFF” for 10% off!), or via Amazon.

The Ring of Truth

Second, it gives me GREAT pride to announce the release of The Ring of Truth: a children’s book that I wrote after telling Brennan, my 8yo, a bedtime story. I was so moved and struck by the story that I had to get it down. It’s a picture book, and it’s about one of all of our worst enemy: Shame.

Shame is something I’ve struggled with, and I don’t want my boys to struggle with it. That’s why my wife and I will never ever say “shame on you!” to either of them.

I’m SO proud of how this turned out! I hope you’ll check it out today and grab yourself a copy to read to your own kids. You can buy it direct from me (use coupon code “TENOFF” for 10% off!), or via Amazon.

Cheers and thanks! Let me know in the comments what you think. And most of all,