Author Aaron Ryan

Award-Winning Bestselling Author of the "Dissonance" Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Saga

“Dissonance” is a great success…because of YOU

The month of June has seen SO much success.

I’ve already had $1281.79 in sales online and off. So far this year, 1880 units have been sold. Soooo cool! Very thankful right now for all of my readers, including you! My “Dissonance” alien invasion book saga appears to be a hit! 🙂 I want to thank all of you for your support and readership!

I want to thank all of you who have supported me in this. I had a WONDERFUL vendor market this past weekend at the LoveOly Festival in downtown Olympia, and met so many wonderful readers. Thank you for stopping by! Next up? Kent Farmers Market! Be sure to check the News page to see where I’ll be holding a booth next.

Have you read my books? Please take a moment to leave a review for the book on Amazon and Goodreads, if you wouldn’t mind – I would be so grateful. I can’t even begin to tell you how important positive reviews are in terms of momentum and awareness. Thank you so much for considering!

Let me know in the comments below what you thought of the book you’ve read!

The screenplay is coming along really well, and I can’t wait to present news of it to you.

I just finished narrating Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation this morning and that audiobook will be released soon as well. MANY thanks to my friend Vance Pease for listening to all of them, and to Walker Armstrong, Shirley St. James, and of course my beloved bride Janine for reading them through.

Thank you again, all of you – thank you so much for sharing in this journey with me!

Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation… PUBLISHED!

It gives me more pleasure and happiness than I could possibly even begin to muster to announce the release of Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation! This novel is the prequel to my “Dissonance” alien invasion trilogy, and that makes it a QUAD-rilogy. I’m SO grateful!

And if there was any doubt, it’s currently #1 top new release in a category on Amazon, along with its neighbor, Dissonance Volume III: Renegade, taking the #2 spot! I call that a good day when they’re taking up the top two spots. Thank you Lord!

I didn’t feel released from the trilogy, so I went back and wrote a prequel, and I’m so glad I did. There is so much heart in this story. So much family. So much silliness. So much of everything that you and I experience every single day…before everything goes horribly wrong with the arrival of the gorgons.

I hope you’ll check it out and grab yourself a copy. This will be my new career. Thank you so much for your support!

You can get it direct from my Dissonance website in paperback or hardcover, on Kindle, and the audiobook is coming as well. OR – you can get the whole Kindle box set. Again, thank you all so very much for your support.

Leave me a comment below, I’d love to hear from you! And THANK YOU to all of you for your help with the cover and the log line, “We thought they were angelic messengers. We were wrong.”

Incredible News!

Happy Friday! Here’s a bullet point update for some awesome news!

  1. Dissonance Volume III: Renegade publishes on my 51st birthday – TOMORROW! Yep, 5.18.24. What would make a wonderful birthday gift for me? Buy my books please! And when you’re done, leave a positive review on Amazon. Those go a LONG way. Thanks! 🙂
  2. In other news, the prequel, Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation is DONE! I started it on 4.29.24 and finished it yesterday, 5.16.24. As with Dissonance Volume I: Reality, it took me only three weeks to write it. CRAZY! It’s deeply moving, stirring, and had me bawling at points. Not kidding. You see what this family went through when the gorgons came. I’m so happy I didn’t move on after the trilogy was done because this prequel is POWERFUL. It’s been submitted to my wonderful wife for editing!
  3. And in more news, Screenwriter Alan Roth is working hard on the screenplay for Dissonance Volume I: Reality, and I am giggling with anticipation like an 11-year-old schoolgirl. So exciting!
  4. And in yet still OTHER news, I get to host an author signing at Barnes & Noble! They’re carrying my books, so on August 10th at the Olympia branch I’ll be signing books. Check the News page: this summer is chalk-full of signings and trade show booths. Super stoked!
  5. And in even yet still more further additional OTHER news, if you’re an audiobook listener, Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning is now available on Audible!

You can buy any of the books here, or you visit the links above. THANK YOU ENDLESSLY FOR YOUR SUPPORT!


Screenplays, Trilogies & Prequels, oh my!

Well, I’m done! Just awaiting feedback from a few people including my beautiful wife on Dissonance Volume III: Renegade, and then it will publish on my 51st birthday, May 18th. (Fitting, isn’t it? Area 51 is full of aliens….my book is about aliens. Yeah. That.)

I mean it when I say that Dissonance Volume III: Renegade is POWERFUL. It’s going to blow you away!

BUT! I didn’t feel “released” from the trilogy yet, and I love where this story has gone, so I’ve begun work on a prequel. It is called….drum roll please… “Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation.” It’s going to cover when the gorgons actually arrived, and the mayhem that ensued. And, for your viewing pleasure, check out the cover!

ALSO! GREAT NEWS, if you haven’t heard already….I’m partnering with Alan Roth of Act Two Media to develop a screenplay of Dissonance Volume I: Reality for pitching to producers of streaming services like Netflix, Paramount+, Apple TV, Prime Video, etc.. I’m THRILLED with this development and ask for your prayers that it will go well and that we’ll get some interested parties. SUPER stoked about this.

Thank you for your support! Let me know what you think of the trilogy so far! How do you like the cover? What do you think about the news of the screenplay being created? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks again!