Author Aaron Ryan

Bestselling Author of the "Dissonance" Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Saga

Archives March 2024

“Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning” is HERE!

How ’bout that cover, huh? Dissonance Volume II is PUBLISHED!!! The paperback and hardcovers will be available soon, both directly through me as well as through Amazon, but you can PRE-ORDER your copy at my new Square Store >>> HERE <<< by using coupon code THREEOFF for $3 off Volume II as well as Volume I.

The Kindle copy is available for ordering now at this link.

I mean it when I say that I am THRILLED with how Volume II turned out. Friends, family, this isn’t just a “monster book” or an “alien book.” The protagonist, Cameron Shipley, is struggling with real faith and morality issues, and it’s a journey for him, and an intense one at that! It’s been so cool to watch him go through it, and there are characters of deep substance in my novel that will blow you away. I wrote my best chapter ever in Volume II, entitled “Cardona.” It’s AMAZING.

Also, have you checked the “News” page? I’ve done several interviews already, and now I’m in Orca Books and Browser’s Bookstores in Olympia, and about to get into Half Price Books as well!

Thank you for your support! I’m so grateful, and my heart is full. This has been an intense journey, and so richly satisfying.

207 pages so far on Volume III: Renegade!


I reached number one everyone, LOOK!

I ran a special to feature my e-book for free today, and nearly 1,000 people have grabbed it so far today alone!

I’m absolutely ecstatic! But I still have a way to go in some of the other categories, so TODAY ONLY, the Kindle version is FREE! Would you consider supporting me by CLICKING HERE to getting a Kindle version, paperback or hardcover through Amazon and help me to the top of the other categories below as well?

And PLEASE leave a positive review ASAP – those help tremendously too. This will set momentum for Volume II, which will be released later this month!

Thanks to all of you for your support! I’m BEYOND ecstatic and grateful!